Private Health Screen

Many people are reactive to their health concerns, which is understandable.They develop symptoms which lead them to seek help, obtain a diagnosis and the right treatment intervention. However increasing numbers of patients are realising that it may pay to be more proactive. The Health Equation provides a comprehensive Private Health Screen.

An annual health screen, performed by an experienced clinician, may not only pick up problems that need medical intervention, but may also actively encourage the patient to look at reducing the risk of developing actual pathology by assessing functional disturbance, much of which is influenced by lifestyle (stress/anxiety, poor nutritional choices, poor neuromuscular function, lack of appropriate exercise, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol and recreational drugs).

The Health Equation offers a comprehensive health screen: The Health Equation Health Screen

Click on the image above to download our Heath Screening Brochure.

Private Health Screen

The Health Equation Private Health Screen is conducted by our Diagnostic Consultant-Complementary Medicine, Mr Gerry Gajadharsingh DO and has several parts, you will need to be with us for about 1.5 hours

Diagnostic Testing

Tests help with the diagnostic process to eliminate the presence of suspected disease processes or to help with the patients’ management / treatment strategy.

The diagnostic tests included in the Individual Health Screen are:

As part of the Private Health Screen, Gerry is happy to review any previous medical reports, blood test and imaging results prior to the Private Health Screen consultation and then to discuss appropriate additional investigations in addition to what is provided at the Private Health screen

This is a critical part of the health screen. Gerry will go though a full

  • a case history (exploring any current symptoms)
  • past medical history
  • family medical history
  • general health and a review of systems (such as cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, neurological, Osteopathic neuromuscular-skeletal/orthopaedic, dermatological, psychological etc).

This specialised piece of equipment is used for measuring (non invasively) the following:

  • ETCO2 levels
  • breathing rate
  • heart rate
  • heart rate variability

It is the most scientific method of diagnosing Breathing Pattern Disorder (BPD). It also evaluates an individual’s autonomic nervous system response.This is cutting edge technology and gives the clinician great insight into not only respiratory behaviour and function (which influences many chemical reactions in the body and mind including cellular oxygenation and control of pH) but evaluation of the autonomic nervous system, which controls all of our body systems.

  • Comprehensive blood analysis, 1MBR, including haematology (Full blood count & 5 part differentials & ESR) & biochemistry (24 parameters) & CRP –
  • Includes lipid profile & blood glucose, and  thyroid function (TSH & FT4)
  • Pancreatic Markers Amylase & Lipase
  • HbA1C (3 month glucose marker)
  • Vit D 25OH

There are literally thousands of markers that can be tested for using blood samples.
We have chosen a screening blood panel 1MB for the Individual Health Screen which is a Haematology (Full blood Count & 5 part differential/ Biochemistry (24 parameters) screen. This looks at red blood cells, white blood cells, and inflammatory markers ESR/CRP, kidney function, liver function, blood glucose, lipid profile, uric acid, calcium, phosphate and iron markers. The 1 MBR also includes thyroid function using TSH & Free T4, pancreatic markers Amylase & Lipase, H1A1C (3 month glucose marker) and VitD 25OH.

It is very useful to use screening panels of blood tests, that cover the major body systems in the first instance, rather than just choosing individual parameters, especially as a screening test, when patients may not actually have any significant symptoms.

You will fitted with a Holter device for 24 hours to record the electrical activity of your heart. This will need to be dropped back to the practice to be uploaded online to the laboratory in order for the technician to reproduce the 24 hr ECG analysis report.

Urine analysis by Urinary dipstick in the clinic. Urine analysis helps with detection of infection in the genitourinary tract or kidneys, kidney problems, diabetes, dehydration, prostate problems, metabolic problems affecting pH amongst others. Abnormal urine analysis results may require further lab investigations at additional cost.

Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test (QFIT) & Faecal Calprotectin over age 45, new in January 2022.

The QFIT test detects small amounts of blood in your faeces, which you would not normally see or be aware of.

Why is the QFIT test done?

There are several disorders, which may cause bleeding into the gut (intestine). For example, gastric or duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, bowel polyps, and bowel(colorectal) cancer. If these bleed heavily then your stools (faeces) would be obviously bloody or a very black colour. However, sometimes these disorders only bleed with a trickle of blood. If you only have a small amount of blood in your faeces then the faeces look normal. However, the QFIT test will detect the blood and also the quantity of blood. So, the test may be done if you have symptoms in the tummy (abdomen) such as persistent pain. It may also be done to screen for bowel cancer before any symptoms develop (see below). The risk of bowel cancer rises steeply from around the age of 50-54 years. QFIT testing uses specific antibodies against human haemoglobin and quantifies the amount of blood in the stool. The threshold for screening is set at 80 mcgHb/g and for symptomatic individuals at 10 mcgHb/g.

Note: the QFIT test can only say that you are bleeding from somewhere in the gut. It cannot tell from which part. If the test is positive then further tests should be arranged to find the source of the bleeding – usually, colonoscopy and/or endoscopy.

TDL now offer QFIT with Faecal calprotectin

The faecal calprotectin test has a relatively high specificity and sensitivity (approximately 90%) for distinguishing between non-inflammatory bowel disorders (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) examples of which include ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Calprotectin will also be elevated in some cases of GI tract malignancy (e.g. colorectal cancer).

Calprotectin is released into the faeces when neutrophils gather at the site of any gastrointestinal (GI) tract inflammation. Calprotectin can provide a non-invasive, inexpensive and objective method for assessing patients for additional possible invasive procedures e.g. colonoscopy or imaging studies.

Calprotectin <50 ug/g, not indicative of GI inflammation Calprotectin >50 ug/g, 50-150 ug/g, repeat calprotectin in 2 weeks, if 100-250 ug/g routine gastroenterology referral, >250 ug/g urgent gastroenterology referral

You will be given a QFIT/Calprotectin test kit to do the stool sample at home, it is easy to use and only needs one sample, to be posted back to TDL, the laboratory.

The NHS offer bowel cancer screening via a FIT test (not QFIT), from age 60 to 79 every 2 years. They are aiming to reduce the age tested to 50-79 over the next few years. If there is a positive result on FIT patients are then referred for colonoscopy. In the private sector colonoscopy is usually offered to patients from the age of 50 every 5 years depending on risk. The rationale is to pick up polyps, which can sometimes be pre-cancerous, in the lining on the colon.

For men

  • Prostate Profile (Total PSA and Free PSA) from age 50 or earlier if requested.

We do not offer a DRE (digital rectal examination) to men as many clinicians are now questioning its usefulness in screening, please see my blog post on 30.5.18

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a glycoprotein that is produced by the prostate gland and the urethra. Normally, very little PSA is secreted in the blood. Increases in glandular size and tissue damage caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy, prostatitis, or prostate cancer may increase circulating PSA levels.

Higher total PSA levels and lower percentages of free PSA are associated with higher risks of prostate cancer.

The percentage of measured prostate-specific antigen (PSA) existing in the free form (free: total PSA ratio) is useful in assessing the risk of prostate cancer in patients with borderline or moderately increased total PSA (4.0-10.0 ng/mL) and has been used to help select men who should have follow-up prostate biopsy or further investigations.

For women

  • HE4 ROMA (includes CA125)

Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) utilising human epididymis secretory protein 4 (HE4) and CA125 can classify patients as presenting a high or low risk for ovarian cancer.

The NHS offers comprehensive screening for breast and cervical cancer, therefore we do not offer mammogram or cervical smears as part of womens’ health screening.

As the likelihood of getting breast cancer increases with age, all women aged from 50 to their 71st birthday, and registered with a NHS GP, are automatically invited for breast cancer screening via mamogramme every 3 years.

You may be eligible for breast screening before the age of 50 if you have a very high risk of developing breast cancer

Cervical screening (smear) isn’t a test for cancer, it’s a test to check the health of the cells of the cervix, usually also, checking for HPV (human papilloma virus), which is the virus normally associated with sell changes)

Most women’s test results show that everything is normal, but for around 1 in 20 women the test shows some abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix.

Most of these changes won’t lead to cervical cancer and the cells may go back to normal on their own.

But in some cases, the abnormal cells need to be removed so they can’t become cancerous.

All women who are registered with a NHS GP are invited for cervical screening:

  • aged 25 to 49– every 3 years
  • aged 50 to 64– every 5 years
  • over 65– only women who have recently had abnormal tests

Additional Tests

Other additional parameters can be requested depending on the clinical picture and the results of initial screening, such as, rheumatology markers, osteoporosis markers, male and female hormonal function, tumour markers, antibodies, sexual health screening, HIV testing etc. These follow on tests are at an additional cost and will only be carried out if deemed clinically necessary or if patients specifically request certain tests.

Self-collection HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Samples: The self collection HPV test (vaginal swab) provides women with the option to self collect a vaginal specimen for HPV testing. There is well documented  high level of concordance between HPV DNA results from self collected and clinician collected specimens.

Additional investigations, if clinically indicated, such as x-rays and other imaging, Coronary calcium scan, Carotid US etc will be arranged at one of our local hospitals/clinics, usually on a drop-in basis and are charged separately.

Tumour Markers

Patients are increasingly asking about blood tests relating to screening for cancer, these are called tumour markers. There are pros and cons about running these tests, which can be arranged at an additional cost. Please see the information below.

Private Health Screen

Results and Analysis

The Individual Health Screen will last approx 75 minutes and will include a comprehensive written report (usually at least 35 pages), this will include all your results, any follow up investigations or opinions from Medical Specialists suggested and lot of advice to help you be proactive about your health. It also includes a Cardiovascular Risk Assessment via QRISK 3 2018, FRAX Fracture Risk Assessment via NOGG, GP COG (cognitive assessment). You will also be sent separately a Functional Health Report based on a functional analysis of your blood results (usually 35 pages).

Patients may also request a 45 minute follow up consultation (charged at our standard consultation rate), in person or by phone, if they need clarification on certain aspects of their report or for follow up advice.

Functional Blood Analysis

We also use cutting edge software from the USA, to analyse your blood results, Functional Blood Analysis. Most clinicians interpret blood results using “medical reference ranges” provided by the laboratories. Which means if there is no obvious pathology, patients are told they are “normal”. Now this can be a good thing, but sometimes when results are lower end of normal or higher end of normal we can give a “functional” interpretation of these results, offering very useful advice to patients. It certainly has helped us being more accurate in advice, treatment & management for many patients who had previous been told “there is nothing wrong with you”.

The report is comprehensive and comes as part of your health screen.

  • Functional Blood Analysis
  • Functional Nutritional Assessment (indication of nutritional status)
  • Functional Index Report (indication of the level of dysfunction that exists in the various physiological systems of the body)

Please see links below to examples of the Comprehensive Report and the Functional Health Report based on a functional analysis of your blood results Â